It’s not just us


The more I have researched this topic, the more I have come across images of animals/birds/fish and other marine life tangled up in plastic waste. Some are still alive, others are not. Our consumption of plastics is not just impacting on us, but the creatures around us too. It is heartbreaking looking at some of these images, so I will only include a few here. I think it’s images like this, that show the detrimental effect we are having on our planet. There is a way and each of us have the ability to do something about it. We need to step off this train of going with the flow on how we purchase things. When I was little, milk was delivered in glass bottles, put out again for collection when finished and reused. Whilst collecting my own recyclables for this project I am shocked at the amount of plastic bottles my family goes through! It is kind of sickening and as I go to add yet another plastic milk bottle to the pile, I am aware again of how much we need to make a change.


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A sea lion pup with a plastic bag wrapped tightly around its neck. It was rescued from Santa Monica Beach.


Cancalosi, John. Speak Up For Blue. n.d.

“This sea lion pup has a plastic bag wrapped tightly around its neck. MAR rescued the sea lion from Santa Monica Beach.” Marine Animal Rescue. n.d.

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