Seems used bottles can be put to good use!

It’s ingenious ideas like this one that make me feel more hopeful of the situation with plastics and waste. Not only does it put plastic bottles to good use, it also helps people and for very little cost!

Grey Dhaka worked with volunteers from Grameen Intel Social Business Ltd to create and design the Eco-cooler. It re-uses bottles to cool houses without the use of electricity.


Capture eco cooler

(Image retrieved from Eco Cooler | Grey Advertising APAC | Grameen Intel. (n.d.). Retrieved from


The Deputy General Manager of Grameeen Intel Social Business Ltd, Abdullah Al Mamun says of the design,

“Since most rural homes in Bangladesh are made with corrugated tin, the Eco-Cooler has the power to provide relief to millions of Bangladeshis. We sincerely hope this volunteer effort will make a difference in their lives”

“After initial tests, blueprints of the Eco-Cooler were put up online for everyone to download for free. Raw materials are easily available, therefore, making Eco-Coolers a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly solution”, said Syed Gousul Alam Shaon, Managing Partner and Chief Creative Officer at Grey Dhaka.

Here is a link to the video showing the Eco-Coolers in use.

Brilliant. We can find a way to reduce wastage and in positive ways that help people.



Eco Cooler | Grey Advertising APAC | Grameen Intel. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Eco-Cooler | Grey Dhaka unveils world’s first zero-electricity air cooler made from plastic bottles [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Eco-Cooler. (n.d.). Eco-Cooler. Retrieved from



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