Light It Up

The final trial of the lighting was done on the 26th June, using the blue LED string lights going up the back, the EL wire threaded through the milk bottles, and then a large camping light placed on the inside of the wave protected inside a plastic blue container, which also casts a nice hue and gives a glow from the inside so the whole wave is illuminated. We also have a smaller light (but is still very powerful) that we may add inside, but this decision will be made when in situ and depending on how dark the car park is.


The wave in itself is completed, however, we have left a gap in the large sheets of plastic that are sewn onto the sides so we can change the batteries that we will cable tie each time, the pallets we are attaching the wave onto need the top coat of black paint (this will conceal them), nail the frame at the base to the pallets using industrial staples, and also attach the trailing plastic to the pallets. This all has to be done when setting up, on location, so we will have to allow time to make these final adjustments.

Images are our own.

Researching for ideas.

As a group we have shared a few artists that create light related installations, and one that I found had a particularly interesting style is Bruce Munro. I did a quick search on him and found some art that I feel relates well to some of the areas we are hoping to start experimenting with. ‘Light’, which consists of multiple installations, inside and out covers over 23 acres of land and  was on display in 2012 at Longwood Gardens, Kennet Square, USA. It was Munro’s first large-scale solo project, features a lot of reflective elements, water, and water like components really gave me some ideas that I think will help us as a group to start working with.(check the blog guys :P). Three of these were ‘Lightshower‘, ‘Arrow-Spring‘, and ‘Snowball‘.

I feel ‘Lightshower‘, creates a sensation of as if it were raining, it definitely tricks the mind into thinking it is looking at water. ‘Arrow Spring‘ also has a  resemblance  to a spring of water, which I think we could work with as our concept is on the pollution of our oceans and waterways. ‘Snowball‘ was more an inspiration to the more technical side of this project, the way Munro has formed these lights, gave me the idea of creating our own shapes and forms out of LED strip lights, (which we are already researching and planning on using), I think this just sparked a freedom of forming lights shapes rather than having to use only per-designed lights, or being restricted to creating forms out of individual lights. I am unsure of how the rest of the group thought about this, they may of already thought about using the strip LED’s in this way, however, for me it was a little glimpse of a ‘ah-ha’ or ‘we could do this’ moment.

Image 1 Left : ‘Lightshower

Image 2 Top Right: ‘Arrow Spring

Image 3 Middle Right: ‘Snowball

Image 4 Bottom Right: ‘Snowball‘ (view from below)


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