Our inspiration . . .

“All the king’s horses and all the king’s men will never gather up all the plastic and put the ocean back together again.”

— Charles Moore, Marine Researcher


We feel this image is relevant to the theme we are planning to convey in response to the Light Nelson brief. We are planning on using recycled water bottles, reflections, water and colours to make a statement about the effects of plastics and consumption on our environment. Our environment is our Habitat.

We are going to create a contrast between the natural and the unnatural, urban/nature, industrial verses organic, we will bring these together to transform the state of both synthetic or manufactured materials and our natural habitat.

(Group post, Bethan Fletcher, Rachael Persico, & Chelsea Cameron)

Quote received on 11 April 2016 from, Moore, Charles. “Ocean Conservation Quotes – Famous Sea Quotes on Sea and Sky.” Sea and Sky – Explore the Oceans Below and the Universe Above. Last modified 2016. http://www.seasky.org/quotes/sea-quotes-ocean-conservation.html.

Image retrieved on 11 April 2016 from, INDIEGOGO, and ARCHIPELAGOS INSTITUTE OF MARINE CONSERVATION. “Save Our Seas from the Microplastic Threat.” Indiegogo. Last modified 2016. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/save-our-seas-from-the-microplastic-threat#/.


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